Turing Pi + PicoPs + cm4 = high pitch noise?
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It seems to be the case that my raspberry pi compute modules make a high pitch noise when powered on. I’m starting to suspect this may have something to do with using the pico PSU. Is anybody else experiencing this? Has anybody been any to test their Turing board + compute module with a different power supply and see if it still makes noise? I don’t have things necessary to do this unfortunately. Curious about others experiences.
I have a PicoPSU and CMs running next to me. I hear absolutely nothing even if I put my ear next to them.
For me it’s loud enough you can hear it without even being within 10 feet of the unit. Will be curious to see if anybody else has this.
Can you locate the sound?
I haven’t yet because I’ve been busy but I plan to
But the sound does not happen if the Pi’s are powered off
probably a whine coil, possible sources: - power supply - GPU - SSD
Yeah, this sounds like a coil whine. There are coild both on the PicoPSu and the TPi2 board near the nodes.
No SSD in it and no GPU based devices
It’s just a TPI2 and 2 compute modules
its not just the Pico, mine does this with a full ATX power supply
Oh that’s interesting
Raspberry pi compute modules?
I suspect its the TPI itself, probably the coils on the power supply for each node...
to be clear though, its not dangerous at all... its just power doing power things 🙂
And coils doing coil things
And this sound means some work is being done 🙂
It’s not so much that it’s dangerous as it’s super annoying
If is of any consolation I have the same and is launder when there is a bit of load. If the CM4 is completely idle I don’t hear it
All of my 3 CM4s whine very loud when powered on. But it’s definitely them (or the adapter boards) very annoying for me too. It’s louder then having fans next to me
you could try to hot glue the components making the noise to reduce vibration but that's about it
hey all, same here today delivery, turing2 + 1x CM4 and 3xSOQUARTZ pitch noice starts almost from start on single mode and on multiple as well. And yes in super idlle there is no noice ot its a bit lower. power via picoPSU and 'proper' PSU from turing shop.
Add me to the list. Sounds like coil whine but there's no change in pitch with operation.
Not coming from the Pico, seems to be coming directly from the tpi2.
Only occurs while powering CM4 as others have reported.
It won't change pitch since there's no driver to control the power delivery
Might not be an issue if placed in an enclosed ATX case but very audible on bench stand.
I have mine in a case and you can still hear it easily
I have the same effect and if i plug the cm4 in an other board there is no noise so, its the board or the board in combination with the power supply 😦
Thanks. I was hoping somebody with another board to plug it into could test
Check also an other power supply, so its really the board. 😦
Another board meaning something that is not a Turing pi 2?
Yes an non Turing pi 2 carrier board.
It seems like some people don’t notice it or it’s not happening. It may not be all boards but it sure seems like at least some have this issue
For mine it’s loud enough there’s no way you wouldn’t notice it
I get a pitch noise too, it seemed that each of the 4 slots produce this noise, I am not sure if it is the adapter boards or some component on the tpi itself near the slot.
I wonder what the cause is and if there is any way to stop it
Or if those of us who have it are just stuck with this loud horrible noise
I have the same problem. It is really annoying, even in a case. Louder than the fan.
I’m hoping somebody eventually figures out how to quiet it
Or at least narrows down if it’s the socket, adapter board, or pi itself
I suspect it’s the adapter board
I have the same issue, the same CM4s don't do this in a PiKVM PCIe or a Waveshare Raspberry Pi I/O board (but this has a horribly loud fan). I don't hear it when the case is closed though
I figured this when I got the device a few weeks ago, and used a toilet roll to locate it btw 😄
Thanks fnord. It seems to be a pretty common problem
yeah but can you workaround it? for example by using some fans in a case and closing the case?
For me personally, I have it in a case and you can still hear it across the room. It seems to have different strength for different people
Or perhaps maybe some are just more sensitive to the sound than others I don’t know
younger people and animals can be very sensitive yeah
I’m def not younger people
if you can find the exact source, you could hot glue the part that is vibrating
usually it's a toroidal power transformer
wouldn't that be like a coiled electromagnet?
i havent' seen one of those on the CMP4 board or its adapter
which seems to be, from what we have all had happen, the source of the issue
I have the same exact problem 😭 been using RPi4s with PoE hats previously and they could get noisy but at least you can adjust the speeds on those. This is even more annoying, makes me want to hide the TPi away…
Yeah. For me it’s loud enough that it basically makes me not want to use the tpi2 unless it’s very very far away




applying dowsil 744 silicone sealant substantially cut down the amount of coilwhine
More accurate application might be cleaner and more successful than what I managed, but I got it down to perfectly tolerable levels even though its going to live in my living room
I got a 90ml tube of this
it was more than enough
I did find it slightly unwieldy so make sure to cover things it shouldn't touch, like the compute module slots, the fan headers, etc.
Same for me - starts when powering a node on, stops when all are off. Nodes: SOQUARTZ + RADXA CM3 on CM4 adapter board(s)
Which parts of the board specifically should I be trying to cover?
The ones that make noise which seems to correspond to the inductor coils. If it's only the adapter boards then the three orange squares might be all you need
Ok got it. I’ll try to buy some and do the 3 orange squares and see what happens
Thank you 🙏🏻
it takes about a day to harden, but I applied it over a few rounds with days (or weeks lol) in-between because I noticed a few other components still making noise
its a pretty stiff compound even when its not hardening, but I mostly managed to get results just squeezing it out of the tube
which component is the inductor coil? i tried putting red insulating varnish on grey boxes but i still hear noise on a slight cycle