Enable SSH @ The File System Level
# │forum
Hi All ... Is there a way to enable SSH on a Raspberry Pi after the OS image has been installed, but without a monitor? Is there a config file I can edit to enable SSH on a Raspberry Pi, where I can see and interact with the filesystem? I installed a new image on a CM4, and now I want to enable SSH. But I can't connect a monitor or keyboard to the CM4. Is this possible? Sincerely ... Stephen
Answered my own question: Create a file called "ssh" (no quotes) and copy it to the boot partition.
I can recommend DietPi OS it's mentioned in the turing pi docs.
Gives you ssh enabled with a password out the box and you get set static IP in a config file. Very friendly for blind installation. https://dietpi.com/ There's a custom image for Raspberry Pis and it's lean and mean.
There's no a specific reason for DietPi being mentioned there. Raspberry Pi OS is also a good choice, for example
I actually think I am going to write updated flashing part with actually Raspberry Pi OS
I've warmed to diet pi. Didn't find a way to set a static IP with Pi OS out the box. Ubuntu has netplan which is nice but complicated.
You can set
in the
I have Ubuntu Server on my CM4s, and DietPi on my CM3+ for my TP1; using the Raspberry Pi Imager lets you config SSH and other items pre-flash...
I also reserve IPs on DHCP for each device on pfSense… for now it’s easier than assigning static IPs
@Teslamax Initially I set mine as static but then went DHCP again as on my Fritz Router it's easier to expose ports if you have them in the drop down list not to mention it has a mini DNS on board too so host name lookups work. In the end I ditched DietPi it was giving me headaches I went for Raspian I think next build like you Tesla I'll go with Ubuntu Server especially as I've found source to build kernels for Rockchip 3588 support.
Not the first google i found but even more encouraging in a way apt install -y rockchip-overlay https://wiki.radxa.com/Rock5/linux/ubuntu#Introduction_to_ROCK_5_Ubuntu
I don’t know if my CM3+’s will handle Ubuntu Server well… kinda assumed DietPi is better for them
the I2C, quasi-BMC project host on my TP1, a 512MB Pi B, is also running DietPi by necessity
Definitely I will use DietPi on my Pi zeroes and early Raspberry Pi 3Bs. It seems a great match for those. I only gave it up when I ran into problems running with LVM and my file system became read-only.
A work in progress…
@Teslamax Off topic I guess your a Tesla fan did you get that watch? :-). https://www.amazon.co.uk/ThinkGeek-Steampunk-Styled-Tesla-Analog/dp/B01I5Q2TCC
not really, named after the scientist/engineer; I’m more a fan of SpaceX than Tesla 😉
That's mine Silverstone Tek ML06 2x Noctua 80mm fans 3 drives will be 4 soon
4 x CM4s 8GB one with 32GB emmc. 2 of the drives are in RAID with ZFS though think I will convert to LVM actually and boot off it.
Let's switch to off topic
Good idea
Question: is it sufficient to have only the SATA connected to the noctua controller or do you always also have to also connect to the 12v header on the board? Would like to know before I order one. Just SATA connection and 3 fans is my plan without using the 12v header on the board.
@blackphoenixx85 I'm sure it could draw all it needs off the SATA connector to the controller. There's no PWM on the motherboard so I also thought too there's little value in actually plugging it in there.
Thank you, do you have it plugged in or not?
@blackphoenixx85 If memory serves actually I think the other way. Initially I had everything running through SATA as I didn't know what the motherboard was capable of. Then I needed all the SATA cables from the Pico PSU so switched to run everything off the motherboard.
Is the 12v motherboard enough to run 3 fans with the noctua controller? I thought for 3 fans you need more power? Planning to go with 3x noctua a14 chromemax 140mm
Let me see if I can find the thread I only run 2 x80mm
"DhanOS (Daniel Kukiela) — 04/23/2023 2:35 PM This header can provide up to 2A so up to 24W of power"
@blackphoenixx85 So all you need is the specs for your fans.
You may have read the same thing I did if you have a Noctua NA-FC1 "Caution: Please bear in mind that common motherboard fan headers usually only support up to 9.6 or 12W (check your motherboard manual for detailed information). Exceeding this rating may permanently damage your motherboard and Noctua cannot be held responsible for any such damage. ""
Yes, I read the same thing. So I went asking around on discord
That's why I used a Sata connector initially till I ran out of them.
So if I read the specs correct: it draws max 0.13 amps so I should be good, if 2A is the max
You'll be fine then 1.56 watts max input and max current 0.13A x those by 3 and your nowhere near 24watts 2 amps
Thank you, next up will be SATA disk, how many do you have connected?
I have three SSDs connected if memory serves they draw hardly anything
Have you looked at the NAS build project?
No fouractually I tell a lie node 3 has a raid 1 setup
Well I have a Synology NAS as well
Raid 1 mirror right?
I have a Synology as well
Lot of people here all have the same stuff, haha
Yes indeed my Synology is 4 x 8TB RAID6 though
Raid6 or SHR-2 because shr2 is also raid6
Anyway, I will be looking into the NAS project here on discord, I'm planning to connect 6 drives
I did go conventional raid6 as I recall. I liked the idea of being able to rebuild a drive while it was running
If I do it again I think I like the look of FreeNAS. There's a guy reviewed both on youtube very good on raid generally


Yes, this is totally fine. SATA connector can deliver over 50W of power. 54W iirc
Yes, it can 🙂
I connected 10 SATA drives to the PicoPSU and my board
This is what I am working on when I have some spare time: https://discord.com/channels/754950670175436841/1030129990211219486/1091312860304511107
Discord is being funky so if it does not show the NAS project, get back here and click again, and again, and... It'll finally take you there
@DhanOS (Daniel Kukiela) thank you, I'm trying to get those splitters drives and fans ordered,
2.5" or 3.5" Drives? I can not really tell from the photos
These are 2.5" 1TB drives (I have a bunch of these)
Thank you, that helps me a lot, I'm looking towards what is affordable, I do not have 10 drives lying around, so based on power, you said earlier 50W total for the SATA right? so 50W / 8.8W (IronWolfs @ Max Power) = 5 3.5" IronWolfs
Are those NAS rated, or just simple 2.5" drives?
This is a SATA power connector rating
Those are not NAS rated. They're WD Blue 1TB (like WD10SPZX)