Adaptor board compatible, CM4 heatsinks
# │forum
Wondering, what kind of heatsink are you using with the CM4 and the adaptor board ? I've tried some blue eloxed ones that are somewhat fine, but I'll move to the one made by Oratek (the guys behind the Tofu baseboard)
And I think they're looking great:
The only downside is quality of the thermopad - they work and transfer heat fine but it's somewhat hard to apply them
I know some people are using these:
the problem I got was that the thermopad and the spacers aren't matching, and that the screw heads are a bit more thicker that 1.5mm
One thing to note about the Waveshare active heatsinks is you need to either rework the PWM connector or find an appropriate, short adapter cable.
Waveshare passive heatsink user here, with a Noctua 120mm on the case. Reaching ~55C using stress-ng with the CM4s overclocked to 1.7GHz, with no throttling. Before the Noctua CPUs were being throttled after 4-5mins, and temp was going up to 80C.
This is what I am using, with two 40m noctua fans on a test bench.
Do you think these dissipate enough heat without a fan to allow for overclocking of the CM4s?
I believe that it'll be enough if a case fan blows across the nodes, but this is something I want to check to know for sure.
Thanks. Buying them now. 🙂
I have the low profile DhanOS linked in a vertical mounted case with no fans. At idol slot 1 (lowest) is at 44c while slot 4 is pushing 52c. I changed the case to be horizontal and will report back any temperature changes tonight. For reference my PoE powered Pi4 idols about 54c so not all that disappointed so far.
I didn’t use the included pads, I just applied some Arctic Silver.