mSATA SSD not detected on CM4 Node 1 Mini PCIe
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Hi team, Been scretching my head on this one. Node1 CM4 with 64-bit Pi OS (Lite) is running happily, but it's not recognising a 512GB mSATA SSD that's plugged into Node1's MiniPCIe slot. lspci returns nothing - and by that I mean no output at all - and lsblk just returns the mmc info (below). I didn't format the mSATA before I plugged it in, so it could well be a NTFS drive, but I would have expected it to at least show up on the bus. Anyone got any suggestions? sudo lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT mmcblk0 179:0 0 14.6G 0 disk ├─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 256M 0 part /boot └─mmcblk0p2 179:2 0 14.3G 0 part / mmcblk0boot0 179:32 0 4M 1 disk mmcblk0boot1 179:64 0 4M 1 disk
There's no SATA interface provided in the Mini PCIe slot, only PCIe and USB devices can be utilized (depending also on the node type)
Ah crap. That explains that then 🙂
This is just a passive mSATA to mSATA adapter, it won;t change anything
You'll need some kind of adapter that contains a PCIe SATA controller
Yeah, thought so. Thanks for the quick reply. Might just go PCIe to SATA or PCIe to USB3.
Both will work, yes
If you use Mini PCIe SATA controller, you can also get a SATA to mSATA adapter to use the one you wanted to use
ASM1061-based work well (but avoid ASM1061R)
Copy that. Thanks once again.
@DhanOS (Daniel Kukiela) Would you mind elaborating on why we should avoid the ASM1061R?
"R" stands for RAID and some users using this chip have had issues with the controller that we never fixed. You also don't need this type of RAID, if you need raid better use some software one
Thanks for the fast response! One of those users would be me 😅 Was trying to figure out if it was worth my time to troubleshoot.
Well, if you can return it and get something ASM1061-based, that'd be a betetr choice in most cases 🙂
Thanks for this. Almost ordered something that wasn't ASM1061 and then thought to come check here first. 🖤