Shipping Question For Team
# │forum
Now that the kickstarter shipments have resumed, are we going to restart sending them out in blocks are before they stopped shipping. just trying to get an idea of how much longer it will be before I see the board. I've gone thru the order update process, but it is still processing .. Thanks team
Previously, the imports have been done in batches indeed, bit currently all the orders are already imported. They'll be just sent as soon as possible
Should all orders have been send out already? It seems that on the turingpi webpage my order is still showing as processing. I would like to know once it's on its way, just in case i am out of home, to ask someone to receive it for me. Could you update me on the status?
They should be sent, but also: (some people received their boards even if the site shows
I see. Then i hope I don't miss it 😃. Thanks for your reply
So does this mean that my order can be already sent even though I received no e-mail and it is still shown as processing?
I find it hard to accept using a technical issue of not being able to import tracking numbers into the system as an excuse. As early backers from KS, we have invested in this project with trust. Now that we are so close to reaching the goal, isn't it worth spending more time and effort to solve this "technical issue" for all of us?
My order shows as "on hold". How do I get to "Processing"?
Do you mean the shipping should be held again to fix this issue? It's inconvenient, for sure.
Ah, I briefly saw a blue notice that I had a credit on my account. So that how it's being handled -- a credit for my kickstarter contribution along with a pre-populated order. Thanks for the pointer.
Now I have to decide whether I should just wait for whatever SBC I'm going to use to be available. :-P
Can't help with that 😛
I don't get it. Why fixing the tracking number issue will need to make the shipment tasks on hold. IIRC, the factory in China is responsible for the shipment, not the TPi team, why we can't fix this in parallel? Even though, given now the majority orders are shipped, are we have more time/resources to get it fixed, instead of leaving people asking around "my order number XXXXX, still shows processing, when did my order shipped? Plz help"
Looks like you for some reason assumed the import is not being fixed. I'm not sure what your expectations are if the boards are being shipped and the import is being fixed.
And yes, I understand inconvenience, just I'm not sure what do you mean, or what your expectations are
I finally got the Shipped, but that was March 31 .. now it on a SLOW boat from China 🤣
The Turing Machines shipping data doesn't update very often. If your shipment includes tracking data and a carrier, sometimes you can submit the tracking number to the carrier's web site.
Definitely check the actual carrier's website. My TPi arrived today (nice Monday morning surprise), and the ship data on the Turing Pi website hasn't updated in nearly a week.
Yup .. I have both .. one being the USPS who is waiting for the package, which is on a carrier(Presuming boat-due to it being this long)-Departured from SFC warehouse - Shenzhen 🚣‍♂️
Assuming you're in the US, USPS will be the last site to update. If, as I suspect, your board was shipped from Shenzhen with Send From China, you can check status by copying the long tracking number text from the Turing Machines tracking page and pasting it into the tracking box here: and click the "Track" button For whatever reason, you'll see a second page with a numbered text box. Remove the word ARRAY from the first line, then paste in your tracking number and click on this page's "Track" button. The status on this page will update periodically until the status is "Arrived At Airport". Once at this status, the SFC site status will not be updated again. The shipment will be handed off to International Bridge for US Customs inspection and labeling for USPS or whoever the domestic carrier will be. You can check status by inputting the long tracking number into this page: Depending on the day of arrival at LAX, customs seems to take a couple of days. It took three days for my package to make it from "Arrived At Airport" through IB to USPS.
Mine arrived today, now to track down some CM4s…
Hello. What should I do if I realize that I made a mistake with the delivery address when placing my order?
Order number is 702250
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