Made it all work...........but....
# │forum
So I've got the board assigned to a fixed IP, place a Jetson Nano in slot 2, and Jetson TX2s in slots 1 and 3. Finally got the SDK manager running off of a USB-booted version of Linux 18.04 on my host machine and successfully installed the OS. Now I'm stuck. Every time the board reboots, the slots reset to "off". I can turn them on through the web API, but if the Nano is booting up I can't tell. So 2 things - how do I edit the board boot up instructions so that the slots are powered from the start. 2nd question, if the OS has been successfully installed on the nano in slot 2, how can I tell?
Currently, there's no way to set the node power up with the BMC boot. People tend to write simple scripts and put them on BMC so they turn the node power on like here:
As for your other question - well, it should be accessible through the network, should have an IP that you can find in the DHCPstatus, etc
Went to that thread and it worked! Thanks! And that convinced me something went wrong with the OS install so now I'm doing it directly via a microSD card 😉
@Doc_Slater did you follow (or write) a tutorial on the bringup?
@paloverde I followed the chat referenced by Dan - do we need a write up for that?
@Doc_Slater Oh I meant for the end to end bringup, since this thread has a very promising title. The rc.d discussion is great as is.
OK, a piece of follow-up. After the success with the nano, I put Jetson tx2 nx cards in slots 2 and 3. They are just the boards, so there is no microSD slot on them. I tried installing the Jetson OS (the SDK manager can recognize them because they are in slots 2 and 3) but the installs failed - I'm guessing because they have no onboard card. So I attached 1 TB SSDs to the M2. t2 and t3 slots on the back of the board, gave them a basic formatting (by moving the nano from slot 1 to slot 2 then slot 3 so I could access and format them), plugged the tx2's back in, but the install still fails. On the theory one of the boards might be be bad, I tried to flash the other one. No such luck. Not sure how to proceed, though I think I'll try flashing the SSDs with the Jetson OS.
Nevermind, found this link searching through the posts:
Hoping that will work 🙂