Is it possible to configure the
BMC Micro USB - USB port for flashing BMC
port as USB host for the BMC? Has anybody tried/figured out how to? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1196308774621818931/1196308775062208602/image.png?ex=65b7285e&is=65a4b35e&hm=0ee5e5f43c71f3cd3bc9a9f9f68ae59f285b2c3c14faad2d45a709996b1921a0&
Any suggestion on whom to contact about this?
This port is not meant to be used in the host mode. I may try to find out if it could, but what are you trying to achieve?
I want to attach an external USB drive to the BMC for more reliability than the SD card and to have storage acessible in an easy way.
On BMC boot it shows OTG as being actively disabled? Is the TPI so closed from a HW perspective that customization is not wanted?
The firmware is open-sourced, so you are free to modify it as you want. I will check if this port can be set into the host mode. Please ping me at the beginning of the next week (in case)
Will do.
@dotnet9588, @DhanOS (Daniel Kukiela), did you ever follow up on this topic again?
Yeah - I looked at it and it scan be done. However I had to move on - the close HW for as Crowd Funded project made me to upset,