Finally booted up TPi2 for the first time, now to ...
# │forum
Given that I am a complete Noob with all this, I am struggling a bit to know what all I am looking at now that it is running. I have played with Linux some (I built a Fedora based file server nearly 20 years ago as an experiment; used the GUI and was not headless - not really familiar with command line or SSH.) I am using an older Macbook running Catalina for communication with the TPi2 for now, though I guess I will have to borrow the wife's Windows machine for updating the BMC (or am I better off waiting for an easier update method??) I did manage to get UART working to watch the BMC boot, but when it is done, I cannot seem to scroll back through all of the information. Screen grab of what I can see is attached. Where does the rest of the information go? Also, it says "network is unreachable" so how do I determine IP address to access the web interface? I did install ADB, but not sure how to use it yet. My setup so far: I am using a Thermaltake Core V1 case with a 450 watt power supply (I know, overkill... I messed up when finalizing my TPi2 order and ended up with a power brick but no PicoPSU, so using what was easier and cheaper to get at the time.) The TPi2 board is raised 12mm on standoffs, in order to provide clearance for the M.2 slots when I can use them, so I modified Dan's printable IO shield to match. Nodes 2 and 3 are set up with CM4 002016, with heatsink/fan combo from Waveshare. To control the fans, I am using a 2 channel PWM controller from Amazon, with a self designed 3D printed mounting plate attached to existing holes in the case. I have one RK1 on order for now, will hopefully eventually get at least 1 more to fill out the board. I have enjoyed the process of getting the TPi2 set up, now to learn how to use it.

I think you will have the most luck creating individual focused forum threads for each of your issues. When I skim this post my eyes glaze over before I can find the part where you explain the specific help you are requesting
in general if you want to find the IP address of the BMC, the easiest route is in your router probably
> I did manage to get UART working to watch the BMC boot, but when it is done, I cannot seem to scroll back through all of the information. Screen grab of what I can see is attached. Where does the rest of the information go? UART is a serial port. The BMC sends the data over and you are receiving them. The data is not being re-send through UART this is, for example, when you connect after the boot process, you won't see anything from the past. Your terminal emulation software must cache the history for you. look at the settings, you might find the history size in the lines setting.
> Also, it says "network is unreachable" so how do I determine IP address to access the web interface? The best bet, as werdnum mentioned, is the DHCP lease table in your router's web interface. How did you connect the board to your network? Is the orange LED blinking on the board?
Right, I didn’t expect the BMC to resend anything; I assumed the Terminal window would save everything that it saw during boot. It mostly scrolls by fast enough I cannot read it real time, so was hoping to scroll back through after to see what I missed, but all that is left is what I captured in the screenshot. I will check settings. I am using the basic built-in Terminal window on my MacBook. Maybe there is a better option for this?
There is an orange LED blinking near node 1. Is this the one you are asking about? I am able to see the TPi from my router, so it is connected and has an IP. As for how it is connected to the network, I have cat 5 from the router to one of the ethernet ports on the TPi board.
yup that all sounds fine, so you should be able to ssh to it
Check out iTerm2. It’s much better.
I'm not a Mac user, so can't help with that 🙂
Good, then you have an IP. And you may also try
to connect to the BMC using SSH.
Did you manage to make the SSH connection?
Have not tried yet, long days at work this week, so may not have another chance until the weekend.
As it turns out, harvest is on hold for a few days to allow crop to finish ripening, so I got to play with this some today. SSH connection was successful using the IP address, but not turingpi.local. Not sure what I am doing wrong there.
I think you need a newer firmware version for mDNS to work
I updated to 1.0.2 via web UI, have not done 1.1 yet, as I have not set up Phoenixsuite on the wife’s windoze machine yet. Do I need 1.1, or am I better off waiting for the next release? I am ok with using the IP to SSH as needed.
Does the BMC need soft shutdown prior to killing power? I tried
shutdown -h now
but not sure it did anything other than close the ssh session. The orange LED stayed lit, although dimmer than usual.
Technically, 1.0.2 should be done with PhoenixSuit because it contains changes that cannot be addressed with an .swu file.
Huh, in that case, I wonder why an .swu is provided?
For these who already updated the kernel
If you are on the older firmware, you must applu 1.02 using PhoenixSuit. Otherwise I'd suggest downgrading to 1.0.1
Why do people call it "windoze"? 😉
In theory, there should be no need for this
Mostly because Windows is so common there is no excitement left in the system... This is where Mac and Linux take over, different system, more things to learn, less doze factor. 🙂
Good to know, thanks.
What problems might I encounter from 1.0.2 without the kernel update?
I can;t say for sure, but the OS might try to communicate with the kernel in the ways the kernel does not expect and this can cause crashes