Kickstarter Strech goals - I/O shield and Case
# │forum
Hi, I would like to ask about the Strech Goals from Kickstarter, the I/O Shield and Case. I see the I/O Shield as a 5$ add and I dont see the Case as an option. Do I as a Kickstarter backer have to pay for the strech goals are they as a reward included in the order? I do not mind paying for them, just want to know if i need to add them to the card or not. Thank you.
Hi, They are stretch goals and the campaign description mentions that if the campaign reach certain goals, the Team will develop certain things. All 3 goals were reached, which means all I/O Shield, custom case and RK1 module will be developed after the campaign ends. They're not like rewards you're mentioning. 🙂 The I/O Shield is already an addon, but both the case and the RK1 modules are still in development (the latest estimations say RK1 in Q1 2023 and custom case in Q2 2023).
Thank You for the information 🙂
When did the shield become an addon? It wasn't a choice when I did the survey. Can the shield be bought on its own?
After your Kickstarter pledge is imported into the Turing Pi website, you can edit your order and add addons like the I/O Shield and then checkout
yea I already received my turingpi... ill see if i can still edit. Thanks!
If you received it this means you went through the ordering process and checkout. You cannot edit your order now.
You can try and go to - there's a chatbot that should help you with this, eventually a contact form
Apparently we were suppose to be offered the IO shield before the board shipped (See IO Shield on I can't even find the page to order the shield separately
I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's been there when the first orders were imported. You've had to edit the order and add it. People have done that.
To get it now the best thing to do might be to contact the team:
I can't argue if the shield was or wasn't there when I moved my order; enough said I didn't see it. I'm just going to take the 3d image files that Jeff Geerling posted a while back and go to a local 3d print shop
Jeff's cover does not have a cutout for the additional USB port
I can confirm that it was available from the first orders since I'm somewhere in the 200s and I got mine delivered.
Oh! 😦
But if you have a local shop, maybe they can add it?
i suppose I can always ask, no harm in that. Thanks for pointing that out to me