Community FAQ
# │forum
p Before asking, check the FAQ. If you won't find what you are looking for, ask in appropriate channel or forum post. If you have ideas how to improve or contribute to the FAQ, please contribute to the TuringPi2 FAQ Github.
b I created a PR clarifying a few things, if I got them right.
@BeepDog it is merged
Jetson Nano B01 does support NVME m.2 slot according to official TP2 update #5. This FAQ only mentions RK Compute Module, Jetson tx2 NX and Xavier NX.
@itsso_ I added it to the faq thanks 👍
The board I am holding in my hands has a four pin connector J16 labeled as FAN but not populated with headers. Is J16 dead/unused or can one get a tachometer fan running there when soldering a header on?
What does it mean if I have a yellow flashing LED on Node1? It seems to be a specific pattern. Are there any docs for this? Is this something to do with the BMC and the RTC? Is there a workaround? Should I have the RTC battery in or out?
It's the BMC's network activity LED
Really? The board doesn’t seem to be doing anything. Not seeing anything out the HDMI, no new IP on the network, only other light is a solid green LED by the power.
Did you insert the coin battery (CR2032) into the board? If you did - remove it for now. There's some issue that prevents BMC from booting with this battery (we're waiting for more details)
Okay, will try that. Thanks!
So, still getting the same thing. Might I need to flash the BMC?
I don't have a TTL-to-USB adapter. Is there another way to see what's going on?
Ok, let's move this to #chat, as this is unrelated forum post
Okay. Sorry