Received my Turing Pi 2 today, still can’t get any...
# │forum
Really excited for this delivery. Unfortunately it’s useless because I cannot get any raspberry pi modules. I’m OK holding out for the  RK1 Compute Module, but I have a feeling it’s going to be the same thing. Is anyone having luck getting modules that are reasonably priced?
We should have a better status regarding RK1 soon. @nsky posted this:
It's an RK1 board set from the board fab contract manufacturer.
Same here, I was about to post the exact same thing. Got min Turing Pi 2 and can''t use it due to I couln't get my hand on CM4 modules and RK1's haven't been released yet.
Yeah, I'm hoping that when it is released - its not the same mad dash and order frenzy like it is with the CM4s... I guy can wish though 😄
yeah I'm in the same boat. I have two turing pi 2 units... and zero compute modules =]
Are the Jetsons a worthwhile alternative?
(Just got my TP2 today as well)
They're not an alternative, the purpose is somewhat different - Jetson modules are mainly GPU power for machine learning. They have CPUs as well, of course. What would you like to use them for?
Ohh! Some applications I was thinking was testing my applications. I recently built a nameserver (Deno) and would like to test my APIs locally. Maybe even host them locally.
For some CPU power you might get old original Jetson Nanos, but do not expect great CPU speeds, and the software stopped at Ubuntu 18.04, etc
Ah damn, so I still need CM4s and/or wait for TP's version.
Watch rpilocator like a hawk. I got lucky one day last year after searching for a year - scored 8 CM4s from Canada. 🎉 My TP2s finally shipped! I can’t wait. May you get lucky too.
What's "TP's version"?
Probably RK1s? I’m chomping at the bit for those.
Oh, you meant RK1 modules
Yeah, so we should know about them this month
Sweet, looking forward to it
[being really cheeky here btw] given there is alot of us without CM4's and that the RK1's will eventually need some "in the wild testing" . Is there a mechanism that we could submit our home projects ideas to be judged by the turing pi team that would allow us to get RK1 modules sooner (when available), so they can be tested and the results shown/shared to the wider community?
Mouser electronics has some CM4 available in stock. 2GB of RAM and 16GB eMMC I bought the DEV-17392 (4GB RAM, 32GB eMMC) some time ago when they had in stock. It is really CM4 and I'm playing with them on my TPi2 board. They advertise as Sparks Fun DEV-17390 but the website of the company mentions the following:
Thank you! Ordered my 4!
heh stock just went from 149 to 145 ;D
so it's working
@wilsonrighetti Placed an order, and just received shipping confirmation. Thanx for the tip!
They are not the best (only 2GB RAM) but at least you will have something to play with until better ones (8GB) start to appear in stock again or RK1 (32GB) becomes available. Enjoy 👍
How do you tell which of these has what amount of memory?
2GB is not quite enough for my purposes or I'd buy a couple right now 😄
It is specified on their website. The DEV-17390 is 2GB RAM and 16GB eMMC. Sime time ago they had in stock a different version, DEV-17392, which was specified in the website as 4GB RAM and 32GB eMMC
Don't look the mouser electronics specifications, they are all messed up, you need to refer to the Sparks fun company specifications for the item ID. 👍
I'm on mobile. Maybe it's easier to find on a desktop. 🏃
I have also yolo'd 4x of those
they'll be good enough for me to play with it until the RK1 sells
at $45 a pop I suppose I could nab a couple for low mem stuff that's primarily I/O bound for the time being
Mostly it'll let me smoke test the thing, and play with features and figuring out how to do stuff
wont' be able to run a billion things, but that's okay
my goal was one Jetson for my media library and three higher-memory RK1s for all my other self hosted stuff.
I plan on doing a koobernets cluster for apps and junk, so eventually 4x RK1s with 32gb is the goal :D
k3s is the goal here, too
I’ve been tossing that idea around too. From a quick look seems that Jellyfin support for the last gen Jetsons was a bit dodgy. Do you have a stack in mind?
yeah, I'd rather have the 8gb but those 2gb are at least something to play with the system =]
yeah, I already use Jellyfin. it's currently running on an RPi4 so realtime encoding is basically useless. only stuff that's watchable via Jellyfin is whatever it can stream directly to a Roku without re-encoding.
if Jetson can improve on that even slightly, it's a win in my book.
Even without the GPU, CPU perf is gonna trounce a RPi4
But I’m hoping for some Jellyfin/ffmpeg tweaks that will allow the GPU to transcode
I'm thinking about this heatsink, and then I can cool the whole thing with a 120mm fan
oops I'll ask in main #754950670175436848
I was also looking at that one!
They're nice looking:
The quality of the thermal pads is pretty low, though. They work fine but are hard to apply
👍👍 now I just need to find some CM4 also
How do you apply the thermal pad?
I did order them :)
It's contained between 2 plastic films that you need to remove. You need to put this pad on the CPU and memory and screw the heatsink on
Nice! So you just need to wait
I want to setup kubernetes so I think I need more memory that those though. I also need to figure out my storage!
Yeah I'm gonna get the RK1s when they show up, but this isn't too expensive to work on, and I can get different things for it later
and put the CM4s to another purpose
Oh, I threw that away as I could not apply. As I had bought the one you got for the Orin NX, I used that one for the heatsink of the CM4 hahaha 🤣
Heh, yeah 🙂
Looks stunning. Is the top slot a particular GPU board or is the heat sink just different?
This is an Orin NX module
Recieved my boards, now joining the many people vieing for the modules.
I forgot. Will we get notifications when RK1 arrives? Is it first come first served? And stupid question can RK1 have any OS installed on it?
I guess the Team is going to post a lot about RK1s once they're out. You can also subscribe here: I guess there will be no OS on the modules, you flash modules on your own
Just received my TP2 today as well. Can't get any compute modules. The wait continues. Should I order a couple of RK1s? When they're in stock, of course.
I don't know which specific compute modules you are looking for, but mouser electronics still has more or less 100 CM4 2GB RAM / 16GB eMMC available in their website. I provided the link above in this thread. Also, arrow website still has Orin Nanos and Orin NX available to purchase @hakenpax
Also waveshare has Orins as well
Siliconhighway also has Orins
Yep bought one CM4 so at least I can do something
And not just Orins but also older devices like Jetson Nano
@wilsonrighetti I mainly wanted Raspberry Pi's since I own one and have been running it for a couple of years now. Always wanted to build a pi cluster and was all in when TP2 was announced. Never could have predicted Raspberry Pis would be hard to get now. Long story short, now that I have TP2 and no Raspberry Pis, I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do since I'm not familiar with the other compute modules. I mainly want to run Docker, Kubernetes, etc., mainly DevOps stuff.
@DhanOS (Daniel Kukiela) Yes, my bad, CM4.
These are CM4s, just being sold under different name and SparkFun SKU for some reason
But that's good since they're not being instanty sold out or scalped
But they are legit Raspberry Pi CM4s
@DhanOS (Daniel Kukiela) No one has had issues with them in terms of compatibility?
I don't know what do you mean by compatibility since they're legit CM4s
And yes, people bought them and confirmed that
@DhanOS (Daniel Kukiela) LOL, I’m just overly cautious. There’s “legit” and the there’s “legit, but…” I’ll go check out the site. Thanks for the help.
Well look what turned up,,,,, heatsink on the way but at least can start assembling with purpose is
Thank you @wilsonrighetti for sharing that link, just ordered two to at least have something to play with
Also just got my board, thanks @wilsonrighetti for the link as well, picking 2 up until RK1 arrives 🙂
got mine and installed them last night; only 2gb each, but key it's something =] I also found you can get jetson nanos on ebay for about $90, FWIW -- no idea how the CPU compares, but it's got 4gb ram