SSH into Raspberry Pis with FRITZ!Box 6660 Cable
# │forum
Hello there 👋 Happy to join the Turing Pi community. I bought my Turing Pi 1 one year ago and only now took the time to set it up. The Raspberry Compute Modules (3+) are flashed with Hypriot OS 1.12.3, where I changed the hostnames to
through to
, I changed the timezone to
and also added my public RSA key (4096 bit). As soon as I change back the jumper from flash to boot and connect a network cable I don’t find the Raspberry Pis on my network. My router is a FRITZ!Box 6660 Cable. I know it has DNS running on it. Might this interfere with the Avahi Daemon of Hypriot OS? I already found this article, but could not resolve my issue yet. According to the Turing Pi docs I should be able to SSH into the Raspberry Pis by
. I also run
to discover the Raspberry Pis, but did not find them listed. Any help is appreciated.
Hope this helps. If not, please send us a request to
Hi nsky. I read the troubleshooting part already. I checked that the jumper is in the right position. I installed Hypriot OS. The board looks good from what I can judge. Apart from that the page doesn’t mention much on top.
did you check chips for the solder balls?
Just briefly. Maybe I do that again more thoroughly.
I’m not an electronics expert, I have to admit.
From my point of view the chips look good.
Should I check the CM3+ on their own with something like the Compute Module IO Board (
I retried the start-up. The red light next to the slot is blinking slowly. Is that expected? Or rather what do these light signals stand for?
Is that a boot loop? From the troubleshooting page I see that improper power supply could be the reason. I’m using a Ledmo HTY-1200500 with 12V, 5A output. Actually is has the specs that are required.
One more thing that I recognized is that whenever I use
I see some errors/warnings:
Copy code
RPIBOOT: build-date Dec  9 2022 version 20221104~153421 cdf79ac5
Waiting for BCM2835/6/7/2711...
Device located successfully
Loading embedded: bootcode.bin
Initialised device correctly
Found serial number 0
Sending bootcode.bin
libusb_bulk_transfer sent 24 bytes; returned 0
Writing 52456 bytes
libusb_bulk_transfer sent 52456 bytes; returned 0
Successful read 4 bytes
Waiting for BCM2835/6/7/2711...
Device located successfully
Loading embedded: bootcode.bin
Failed to open the requested device
Device located successfully
Loading embedded: bootcode.bin
Initialised device correctly
Found serial number 1
Second stage boot server
Received message GetFileSize: autoboot.txt
libusb_bulk_transfer sent 0 bytes; returned 0
Cannot open file autoboot.txt
Received message GetFileSize: config.txt
libusb_bulk_transfer sent 0 bytes; returned 0
Cannot open file config.txt
Received message GetFileSize: recovery.elf
libusb_bulk_transfer sent 0 bytes; returned 0
Cannot open file recovery.elf
Received message GetFileSize: start.elf
Loading embedded: start.elf
File size = 523192 bytes
Received message ReadFile: start.elf
File read: start.elf
libusb_bulk_transfer sent 523192 bytes; returned 0
Received message GetFileSize: fixup.dat
libusb_bulk_transfer sent 0 bytes; returned 0
Cannot open file fixup.dat
libusb: error [submit_control_transfer] control request failed: no connection to an IOService
Second stage boot server done
libusb: warning [darwin_release_interface] USBInterfaceClose: no connection to an IOService
libusb: warning [darwin_close] USBDeviceClose: no connection to an IOService
Is that indicating something?
4s of red led blinking (encoded with
@nsky I mailed all the findings so far to the suggested email address. Hope there is something you guys can help me with :/
Okay. Since Monday I organized a Compute Module PoE board to check all of the 7 Raspberry Pi CM3+. They work and the Hypriot OS 1.12.3 sets the hostname as well as SSH correctly.
Is there any way to debug the Turing Pi 1 itself? When I connect HDMI I can see what the CM3+ on slot 1 is doing.
Red LED near GPIO #1 (although I have no idea how to read the lines on a circuit board)
@paula_0226 @Dan Manners (@Cisco) any chance to get an answer from you guys? Or at least a confirmation that my case will be handled eventually as I already sent a mail to ask@?
Not sure about Paula, but I'm just a community admin, not with Turing Pi
I got a response via email from Stan in the meantime saying that the RJ45 connector jack might be the problem.
The plan is to visit a makerspace with an electronics workshop and let them check the Turing Pi 1. I hope they can help me as otherwise my TP1 is not very useful 😢
any success?
Unfortunately no. Replacing the RJ45 jack did not help. My board remained broken. I solved it by putting each of the CM3 on its own PoE board instead and connecting them via a PoE switch. That worked fine.